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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
20:24, 30 January 2014 Cartridge-connector-top.png (file) 15.19 MB Cricutwikiadmin Cricut Cartridge Connector located inside the machine 1
20:25, 30 January 2014 Cartrige-connector-bottom.png (file) 185 KB Cricutwikiadmin Bottom of the Cartridge Connector located inside the Machine 1
20:26, 30 January 2014 CricutCuttingStandardSquare.png (file) 49 KB Cricutwikiadmin Visual clarification to the "Cricut Cutting Standard - Square" 1
20:28, 30 January 2014 Cricut-Personal.png (file) 15.64 MB Cricutwikiadmin View that a user would see while actively using the Cricut Personal. 1
20:29, 30 January 2014 Cricut-Personal-Bottom-Off.png (file) 16.5 MB Cricutwikiadmin View of some of the internals of the Cricut Personal. Bottom Cover off. 1
20:30, 30 January 2014 Cricut-Sampler-Board-back.png (file) 101 KB Cricutwikiadmin Back of the PCB for a Cricut Sampler Cartridge. Most traces are visible. 1
20:31, 30 January 2014 Cricut-Sampler-Board-front.png (file) 99 KB Cricutwikiadmin Front of the PCB for a Cricut Sampler Cartridge. Shows parts soldered in position. 1
20:33, 30 January 2014 CricutSampler-BoardFront-NoComponents.png (file) 112 KB Cricutwikiadmin Front of the PCB for a Cricut Sampler Cartridge. Parts are removed to show more board traces 1
20:34, 30 January 2014 George-board-back.png (file) 128 KB Cricutwikiadmin Back side of the PCB for a "George Basic Shapes" Cartridge. 1
20:34, 30 January 2014 George-board-front.png (file) 121 KB Cricutwikiadmin Front side of the PCB for a "George Basic Shapes" Cartridge. 1
20:36, 30 January 2014 George-jumper.png (file) 461 KB Cricutwikiadmin A cable used to trick the Cricut in to thinking a "George Basic Shapes" Cartridge is plugged in. 1